Thursday, March 24, 2011

Microwave Kettle Corn

My sis-in-law sells this fancy DeMarle stuff ~ we used these:
Spongecake mold 
Octagonal Silpat 

If you want to see it here is the link:
It's kind of cool stuff!

3 Tbsp water
1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup popcorn kernels
¼ tsp salt
Pour water and sugar in Sponge cake mold and swirl around until mixed together well. Cook in microwave for 2 minutes on high. Add popcorn kernels to hot sugar syrup and swirl around again to coat all the popcorn. Place the Octagonal silpat on top of the Sponge cake mold and cook for approx. 3 minutes on high. Be sure to listen to the popcorn and as soon as it stops popping remove from microwave (this will burn if left in too long). Quickly sprinkle salt while stiring.

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